Meet this winter’s Prairie High School cheer team for the 2024-2025 boys and girls basketball season.
As basketball approaches for both the boys and girls at Prairie, the Cheerleading team gets ready to cheer them on at The Nest. This year, the girl’s Varsity Team is led by, Coach Hannah Dollar and assisted by, Coach Bree Loyd, who is also the head Junior Varsity Coach.
The team is composed of both homeschooled and Prairie students. Although not attending Prairie High School full time, Senior Kylie Hern, Juniors Madison Avery and Maye Haysilp, and Sophomores Adelyn Smith and Kalli Butler, still manage to show their falcon spirit through cheering.
The team has changed significantly from last year and is composed of Sophomores Adelyn Smith and Kalli Butler, Juniors Avery Eterno, Mackenzie Cassinelli, Amerlia Fraiser, Avery Fergason, Genesis Salazar, Jordyn Vongnath-Fair, Maye Haysilp, Madison Avery, And Seniors Clara Kapelka, Kylie Hern, Medina Hill, Hailee Jessee, Ellie Ogle, and Kylie Hern.
Ellie Ogle and Kylie Hern are captains for this winter season. Both Juniors, Amelia Fraiser and Mackenzie Cassinelli have been cheering since freshman year on both Junior Varsity and Varsity. As the season develops so does their love for both the sport and team.
“I love the team and all the girls,” says Junior Amelia Fraiser. While expressing her passion for cheerleading. Memories shared between the girls also make the full experience better “My favorite memories have always been cheer camp and staying with all the girls.” Says Junior Mackenzie Cassinelli.
The cheerleading team at Prairie works hard to bring up school spirit between the students and basketball teams during this season. Come watch the varsity cheerleading team in Prairies Nest on: 01/10, 01/14, 01/17, 01/22, 01/24, 01/27, 01/31, 02/04, 02/07!