Young people around the country, including Prairie students, are starting to think about their futures, especially about buying a house. Will they ever be able to afford one?
Houses are expensive, “ … [interest rates are] just going to keep going up, they have been going up since I’ve been alive,” says Emma Bryans, senior at Prairie High School doing full-time running start. Without a loan most people cannot afford to buy a house, but even with a loan, interest rates being so high means many cannot afford to even think about applying for a loan.
“I would love a house in the future, preferably one with property,” says Telina Zander, senior at Prairie High School,“…but chances are I won’t be able to afford one, not without a market crash,” she adds.
With so many young people going to college, saving for a house may not even be feasible for them in the near future. “I’m already going to be in debt from college,” Emma Bryans explains, adding that she, “… will probably never fully own my house.”
While there are some places where housing is cheaper, they are mainly “very expensive in the places with good jobs.” states Telina Zander. “… But places like here, they’re building as many [houses] as possible and selling them for as much as possible,” Telina adds.
Even though the future housing market is looking lousy for our generation, many can still distract themselves with humor. “My house will probably be a shack in the woods,” says Emma Bryans, laughing at the thought.