Special plans for this year’s Homecoming game have arisen in the band program, with the inclusion of field marching and trombone suicides during halftime!
In past years the band has mainly been limited to participating from the bleachers behind the student section at Prairies home football games, but not this year. This year Prairies band will be taking the field with the cheerleading team to play music for the cheerleader’s performance. “I’m so excited to march on the field, it’s not something we do at Prairie normally and I’m hoping this will change the standard for future years.” Says Emalynn Pierce.
To prepare for the band I have been memorizing the music needed for this performance which includes Toxic by Britney Spears and Prairie Fight song which i already a “staple piece” for all band Members. They also will be practicing marching and playing during class and after school.
In addition, trombone suicides are being brought back. A performance where students use trombones and move in a “synchronized” way, dipping, and spinning just in time to avoid colliding with the person next to them.
“I remember being in shock, I was so scared they were going to hit each other, but they didn’t. I’m really excited to see it happen again this year.” Felicity Heid remembers. This was seen a couple of years ago at a Football game vs. Battleground High School where it was a huge hit.