Shilah Singharaj, Staff Writer
I’m Shilah Singharaj and I’m a junior at Prairie. Currently I’m doing absolutely nothing since sports were never really my thing and I barely have free time because I’m usually at home babysitting my little brother 24/7. But when I do stay at home all day, I just read. A lot. Either that or I take naps that last throughout the whole night and into the next day. On the rare occasions I don’t have to babysit or pass out, I try to go out with friends as much as I can.
I never really think of my future, ever. I have no idea if I’m going to college or not, what I want to be, or what peaks my interest, etc., because I never stop to think and take the time to research on occupations I could like. Everything I like now doesn’t seem to be something I feel like I could like later in my life and be consistent. I’m going with the flow right now which obviously won’t work anymore but I don’t really have high hopes. But I at least hope I’ll be content and happy with where I’m at in the future.