Emiley Buth begins her grind in a high school jazz band and makes her way to tour in Idaho.
Emiley has a strong interest in music. She has always wanted to play an instrument, and music has been a part of her life for a long time. She got involved with band because of her friend, and she thought that it would be fun. Emiley starts playing the alto saxophone as her first instrument, the she picks up the clarinet and piano to play.
Emiley does not have any musicians or artists that motivate her to play. “What motivates me to play the most is my musical teacher,” she said. Waking up early is a challenge that comes with jazz band. Jazz band starts an hour before school starts, and it’s sometimes a struggle to get out of bed. “I have to leave the house around 5:45 in the morning,” said Emiley. Going to bed around eight to nine o’clock always helps.
Two things have helped Emiley throughout her musical career/journey. First is her music teacher, Mr. Messling. Emiley learns a lot from Mr. Messling, every day she learns something new about music, also because there’s just so much to music. Another thing that helps Emiley a lot is her knowing that she is making progress in her music career/journey, and knowing that she is learning new things about music every day.

“The trip/tour to Idaho was fun,” said Emiley. During the band’s trip, she would hang out with her friends and other bandmates. “We were all doing what we love and enjoy to do,” she said. The band’s tour to Idaho was the greatest idea yet to bring the high school band together for something fun. Prairie High Schools Jazz 2 did not place, but for Jazz 1 they placed 2nd in their division.