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The student news site of Prairie High School

The Falcon Flyer

The student news site of Prairie High School

The Falcon Flyer

The student news site of Prairie High School

The Falcon Flyer

Yureicy Cifuentes

Yureicy Cifuentes, Staff Writer

“When something bad happens, you have 3 choices: You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or let it strengthen you.” – Virtine Fromm.


Yureicy Cifuentes is a Senior at Prairie and a Staff Writer for the Falcon Flyer. In five years, she hopes to be settled down and working as a dental assistant somewhere.

After Yureicy’s three years at Prairie, she says her favorite memory so far is “prom last year because I got to spend it with a lot of my friends and it was really fun.”

Her plans right after high school are to possibly take a gap year and get a job but if not that she plans on attending Clark College to start the process of becoming a dental assistant.

All content by Yureicy Cifuentes