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The student news site of Prairie High School

The Falcon Flyer

The student news site of Prairie High School

The Falcon Flyer

The student news site of Prairie High School

The Falcon Flyer

Alex Juhl

Alex Juhl, Staff Writer

Leaving a positive influence on others is the opposite of difficult for PHS football player Alex Juhl.

Partaking in football, basketball, and track, Alex is far from having an uneventful senior year. The Falcon Flyer is just another step towards a memorable senior year. Alex even plans to combine the many activities. “I’d like to write background on certain things that have been going on throughout Prairie and Prairie sports,” Alex said.

This school year, Alex plans to raise his GPA and get on the path toward going to college for sports. He also plans to learn more about getting to know people through his journalism class, by “…learning more about their background and why they are where they are.”

Following school, Alex has his dreams for his future written out already. They’re just what you might expect from such a fun and friendly person, saying he’d “…like to be able to make an impact on the people around him.” He plans to achieve this through either becoming a coach or owning a big and positive business.

However, school and his future aren’t the only aspects that make Alex who he is. Outside of such, he enjoys playing video games, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends. He’s most passionate about sports, specifically football, living in a family where he has “always been raised through football.” Following his passion, he finds himself skilled in athletics, but also in communicating with others.

All content by Alex Juhl