On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, Prairie High School will have a track meet during Falcon support hours. Students and other interested athletes will meet up with Coach Hays in the middle gym for information.
We have two special guests on this article. First, we have Daniel Infante, a wrestler for Prairie and a track sprinter for Prairie. Our second guest is Will Foster, a former football player for Prairie and shot putter for Prairie. Our two guests will be participating in this year’s track season. “I am sprinting for track and field, I have the endurance for sprinting and sprinting will help improve my overall endurance.” Said, Daniel Infante. Sprinting for track and field will help Daniel with his boxing which requires a lot of endurance. On the other hand, Will is doing something different than Daniel. “I am doing shot put for track and field, I have the strength and technique for shot put.” Said, Will Foster.
Cameron Buth, the author of this article, possibly joining the track team this year, asked Will and Daniel how they are preparing themselves mentally and physically for this year’s track season. Physically, Daniel is staying consistent with doing physical training/activities and keeping himself in good shape. Daniel said, “I talk to God, meditate, and just keep doing what I love and what makes me happy to prepare myself mentally.” We can see that Daniel is so ready for this year’s track season. Will said, “I am physically preparing myself by staying consistent in the gym and keeping myself in good physical shape.” Will is mentally preparing himself by not worrying about how he is going to perform on track and doing the things he loves.
So, why should students and other athletes consider joining track? Will said, “Track is a fun and easy sport that anyone could join, it’s also a great sport for meeting new people.” Track and field is a good sport to help you build your endurance, also it’s a sport with a low percentage of risk for injury. “I decided to join track and field because I wanted something physical to do while I’m not wrestling and track helps me with my endurance which is what I need for boxing.” Said, Daniel. Will knew that he would enjoy track and field. He is doing track because the sport has a low risk for injuries and overall it’s just a really fun sport that you could do with your friends!