Senior Ben Gunther is the perfect role model around Prairie, as he displays responsibility, respect, and kindness. Gunther is known around the school for his outgoing personality, which is always filled with joy and friendliness. This is why it is so easy to be friends with Ben. Gunther also excels at academics fairly effortlessly, which is why he can maintain his 4.0 GPA with ease. Gunther will most likely be one of our valedictorians this year, which comes as no surprise to his peers or teachers, as Gunther is one of the most hardworking, talented individuals you will come across at Prairie. This is why Gunther was nominated for the Senior of the Week title.
If there was one word to describe Ben, it would be compassionate. Gunther is always the type of person you can go to for advice or even if you just need someone to whom you can speak your mind. Gunther is a very humble person, which means that you can always count on Gunther to speak to you as if you are on the same level as him, which leaves everyone who encounters him feeling warm and comfortable. Gunther also loves hugs. If you ever see him in the halls of Prairie, you’ve probably seen him giving someone a hug. Most people give their friends a handshake or a dap up, not Ben, though; you better be willing to accept the warm embrace. Gunther says, “I just enjoy being kind. It makes me happy to brighten other people’s days.”
From a teacher’s perspective, Gunther is just about one of the best students you can ask for. He is extremely hard working and always stays on task. Gunther always gets high scores on every test in every subject, and some may think it’s because he is just naturally smart; however, they fail to see the work Ben puts in when he’s alone. Gunther studies like no one else, as well as stays on top of all his work. Mrs. Bump, Gunthers AP Gov teacher, shares a few words on Ben, “Ben always stays on task and always completes his work, even when the rest of the class may be slacking off. It is nice having a student I can count on to be a responsible role model.” Ben Gunther is the perfect example of an awesome student and person here at Prairie, and this is why he is this week’s Senior of the Week!