So, what is basic car care, and why should you consider taking it? In this article, we will learn about the class and what it will teach you. Isaiah Penland and Giovanni Pucci will be our two guests. Isaiah is currently taking basic car care, and Giovanni, on the other hand, already took it last year during his junior year of high school.
We first start the article on why Isaiah and Giovanni decided to take basic car care. Isaiah generally just loves cars; cars are a big part of his life, whether it comes to driving or working on cars. “I took basic car care because I am in love with cars. I wanted to learn more about cars and overall just good knowledge.” Said Isaiah. On the other hand, Giovanni plans to work in an automotive workshop when he turns 18, so this knowledge will help him with that. “I mainly wanted to learn more about cars because I have a car that needs some work done to it because its a piece of crap, and basic car care will help with that.” Said Giovanni.
When taking basic car care, do expect to be given a lot of information. “Right now, I am currently learning how to change and rotate tires on a car. We’ve gone over the different fluids that help the cars run and learned the purpose of the VINs on our cars.” Said Isaiah. In basic car care, you are mainly learning about basic car maintenance; don’t expect to be learning about turbocharging a car. Giovanni said. “There was so much material for us to learn in basic car care. I learned how to perform an oil change, all the different fluids and what their purposes are, how to change and rotate tires, etc. There is a lot to learn in basic car care.
So, why should students consider taking basic car care? And is basic car care a difficult class to pass? Isaiah said. “I think students should take basic car care because it’s a fun and engaging class, especially for those who like to do hands-on work. You will also learn a lot about basic automotive maintenance.” For Isaiah, basic car care is a very easy class; all you have to do is pay attention and engage with the class. “If you are interested in the automotive industry and you plan to work in an automotive workshop, then you should take basic car care; you will learn most of the basics.” Said Giovanni. Overall, basic car care is a class you should consider, it’ll help you in the long run.