As a new school year began and fall slowly turned to fall, students returned to the halls of Prairie High School. The 2025 senior class began their final year, continuing the age of tradition of senior sunrise, while the freshmen began their daunting first year of high school with freshman orientation.
At the bright and early time of 5:30 AM the class of 2025 seniors arrive to the turf field to reconnect and watch the sunrise. Many who went, like Senior Jackson Grant, could be seen tiredly walking from the parking lot to the field.
The 5:30 AM start time was seemingly a controversial decision, however, for Jackson, it was better than he thought it would be. “My favorite part was being able to connect with my friends and go to something only my grade could go to.“ Jackson said.
Soon after the seniors began to clear out, and the sun had fully risen then now freshmen began to flood in. Freshman Henery Degenhart was one of the many coming in, he described. The event as pretty fun. The best part was “walking around and getting to know the buildings.“ Said Henery.
“I’m excited to prepare myself for real life and learn new things to better myself.“ Senior Jackson Grant said. While freshman Henery Degenhart said “I’m most excited for sports.“ a senior Jackson Grant begins his last year, and freshman Henery Degenhart begins his first year. They both look forward to an exciting year at Prairie High School.