Hayden Wojack, a junior at Prairie High School, has become a standout gymnast on the school’s gymnastics team. Known for her perseverance, skill, and unwavering determination, she has captured the attention of many along her journey.
Hayden began her journey when her mother put her into gymnastics in kindergarten to try to help get her energy out. There, she excelled but faced her first challenge of being one of the smaller gymnasts. Although it was difficult to see her teammates rise to new skills, she persisted, with Simone Biles as her role model. She has had a successful career, most recently placing 9th in the State. She has been on the Varsity Gymnastics team for all 3 years, advanced to state all 3 years, twice as with her team and once individually, and most notably, becoming the Bars Regional Champion in 2022. Her wins aren’t the only part of her successful journey. Hayden has struggled with dealing with the intense nerves before competitions, which at times “get the best of me,” Hayden states. But still she perseveres, remarking, “I kind of just get over it, because at the end of the day it won’t matter if it’s nothing too big.”.
Hayden’s training is nothing short of rigorous. She is in the gym every day after school for at least 2-3 hours, balancing her time between school and practice. “School always comes first,” she stated. “gym is a motivation to do well in school because I know if I’m not doing well in school, there can’t be any gym. “ While she is in the gym, she works tirelessly during her practices, inspiring those around her. “She won’t stop working on a skill until she feels like she’s done the best she can,” explained teammate and senior Jaden Fraizer. “She has inspired me to work on my skills and not give up if I’m having a rough day.” This relentless work ethic has not only allowed her to hone her skills and become a successful athlete but also earned the respect and admiration of her peers, coaches, and teammates.
Looking into the future, Hayden plans to return to the Xcel Diamond Program at Naydenov Gymnastics in March. While Hayden does not plan to extend her gymnastics career further into college, she still looks forward to an exciting senior year. She hopes to finish her year with another title as Regional Champion and advance to state. With her 3-year career with Prairie, she has grown significantly while they have supported her by “being there for me and letting me do my own thing,” Hayden remarked.
Hayden’s gymnastics journey exemplifies dedication and perseverance. Her diligent training and balanced approach to academics highlight her commitment to excellence. Despite her challenges, she consistently exceeds expectations and inspires those around her. As she approaches her final year, her story showcases the importance of determination, persistence, and a supportive environment.