Introducing this year’s Sheriff at Prairie, Deputy Quiggle, who works on campus. She has been a Deputy Sheriff for the last 5 years and taught for 8 years as a teacher. She is also a part of the non-profit Police Activities League (PAL). She chose Prairie because there was an opening spot for a school resources officer and she heard great things about Prairie from fellow staff and colleagues. During the school year, her main focus is to patrol the kids here at Prairie. However, she works on the roads or stays on boat duty on the lakes during summer.
Deputy Quiggle has many responsibilities including building relationships with students, campus safety, and allowing students to seek help when needed. “My main purpose of being here is to build relationships with students there is a mentorship component and I’m here for safety if something tragic were to happen, I also help prepare for any situations,” stated Deputy Quiggle, “Most people’s only interaction with law enforcement is negative and to have a positive interaction with a cop is important, and I enjoy that opportunity.
Deputy Quiggle is a part of the safety team, which includes teacher Thor Borjesson, safety team lead, who was chosen for this position due to his military experience and his strive to keep students safe. Borjesson shares his view on having a Sheriff on campus. “Quiggle adds an element we have been missing for quite some time,” said Borjesson, “in meetings, she adds positive insight, input, and perspective to our discussions because she sees a completely different side of things so it’s very enjoyable having her here on campus all school year.”
Deputy Quiggle’s passion for safety allows her to help students every day feel secure at school. Her advice for students is to “ be honest, be a kid, stay safe, have integrity, and don’t grow up too fast, you have so many years to be an adult therefore stay present.” Prairies campus is a secure, positive, and safe community, as a result of Deputy Quiggle’s excellent work, thank you!