Winter break is a time for holidays, family, no schoolwork, and, of course, gifts! Prairie students are given a survey the following week after the break to share what they receive for Christmas. 106 students participated, and the results are in!
Winter break for Prairie is a 2-week break starting December 20, 2024, and ending January 6, 2025, there is no doubt that many have much time to sleep in and stay in their cozy beds. But, that is not the case for junior Madalyn Wolfram. When asked how she spent her Winter break besides celebrating Christmas, Wolfram answered, “I was mostly working all break, I work at the mall so it’s always a busy day.” Similar to Wolfram, Jaylie Mallory, another junior, stayed busy.”I can’t lie, I did lots of shopping, but I also went to my clubs’ soccer practice and that’s all I did.” Mallory states. As opposed to many, these girls were staying busy and productive throughout the break, which is something to brag about!
These 106 students who participated in answering the survey had a variety of gifts ranging from money to even the news of a new sibling. However, the top 3 gifts that Prairie students get are clothing/shoes in first place with a percentage of 79.2%, money in second and 66%, and lastly, a tie for third place with electronics and makeup at 41.5%. Not everyone receives gifts, and inclusivity at Prairie is a big thing so we need to be considerate of other students who don’t celebrate Christmas. Out of all 106 students, 5 people don’t celebrate Christmas, but 3 celebrate Hanukkah. It is nice to see the diversity we have at Prairie.
Of course, we love the gifts we get but, there is always one memorable gift opened. Mallory was asked what her most memorable gift this year was, “It would have to be my new cleats or going on a very expensive shopping spree,” she said. Wolfram also answers saying, “I got a new Xbox which I was so excited for since my old one stopped working.” There is always that one gift that stands out for the rest and these girls made up their decision.
How about you falcons, What did you get for Christmas?